
I AM Gratitude

I AM Gratitude

Today I Am steeped in deep gratitude for who I Am, just exactly as I Am.   I Am giving thanks for my life, exactly as it is, where it is, in Divine Order. I Am giving thanks to Spirit, from Spirit, in advance, for the next growth and changes I desire, for the next beautiful […]

Reframing Loss

Reframing Loss

We are not what we have lost. We are not what has been torn from us. We are not broken beyond repair. Ever.  When it all blows up we still are everything we were before. We might not still have what we had, the positions, the money, the athletic body, the children, loved ones, but […]

World Day of Prayer

World Day of Prayer

September 13th is Unity World Day of Prayer. One of the many things I love about Unity is its empowering approach to prayer. Instead of beseeching help from a separate, “out-there” God, Unity practices affirmative prayer, claiming the outcome we want as already being truth. For example instead of asking for healing from an illness […]

Being Deserving

Being Deserving

In the self-help and personal development realm there are reams of info on the challenge of feeling like we aren’t good enough. I’ve read a lot of it and even written some of it but there’s a subtle yet very important distinction between “not good enough” and “not deserving goodness”. I used to believe that […]

The Awesome Power of Unlearning

The Awesome Power of Unlearning

I used to be a competitive barrel racer. I’ve ridden dozens of charging horses through the cloverleaf pattern. Many horses, after running the pattern over and over again, would begin to anticipate each turn so much that they’d cut too soon, either smashing my shin into the metal rim or knocking the barrel over entirely, […]