
I love teaching and the mutual learning that always takes place when we share our knowledge, time and talents together.  I offer classes and workshops on the topics of:

  • Spiritual Economics: Creating a World that Works for All Beings
  • Creating an Ecological Civilization
  • Sacred Activism
  • Miraculous Living through A Course in Miracles
  • Spiritual topics including World Religions, The Christ, History of New Thought, Metaphysics, among others

Upcoming Classes and Workshop offerings

Prosperity and Spiritual Economics. Six-week class Wednesdays, 4– 5:30pm Pacific beginning July 17th, 2024 2024. Online via Zoom — Register here.

Prosperity and Spiritual Economics for TRANSCEND Subscribers (with Discount). Six-week class Wednesdays, 4– 5:30pm Pacific beginning July 17th, 2024 2024. Online via Zoom — Register here (Password required)

Restoration Economics WEBINAR Pt. 1 — Flaws in the Current Extraction Economy. July 24th, 12:00 — 1:30pm Pacific. Online via Zoom. Register here.

Restoration Economics WEBINAR Pt. 1 — Flaws in the Current Extraction Economy (FREE to TRANSCEND Subscribers). July 24th, 12:00 — 1:30pm Pacific. Online via Zoom. Register here (Password Required). 


Ongoing Course in Miracles Talk and Discussion Groups:

IN-PERSON Course in Miracles talk and discussion group.

      When: Every third Thursday, 5:30pm – 7:00pm Pacific time.

      Where:  Unity of Central Oregon 63645 Scenic Drive in Bend, Oregon

      Cost: No registration fee but love offering accepted if you’re so moved.