In addition to her books and blogs, Cylvia’s writing has been published in numerous magazines, news sources and journals. A sampling is below.
Huffington Post Articles
Hidden in Plain Sight: The Real Costs of Fracking Plastic
In a free market economic system the cost of goods and services greatly influences consumer choices and behaviors. A significant problem with our current economic model is that it does not account for the actual costs of many products. Read the full article at Huffington Post
Ten Rules to Reinventing Yourself
Oprah’s newest book titled, What I Know For Sure, got me to asking myself what do I really know? After these past two really challenging years one thing I really know about is picking yourself up and starting over after things fall apart. I just turned 49 (amazing all by itself!). More amazing is that […]
An Explosive Issue: Oil Trains
Ticking time bombs are rumbling through the Pacific Northwest. Nearly overnight the railways of the west have become primary transport routes for trains filled with highly flammable crude oil. Studies report a 5000-percent increase in oil by rail in North America since 2008. With this rapid increase in traffic has come an enormous uptick in […]
Unity Worldwide Ministries publications
Releasing Scarcity : Embracing Abundance — Unity Lent booklet 2022
I Release Competitiveness — Unity Lent booklet 2023
Issue Magazine Articles
Living In, and Out, of Chains
Imagine being locked down in a tiny space your entire life, chained, 24 – 7, to a post. Your entire world is a tiny patch of hard ground. Standing, lying, pacing, always lugging the relentless weight of the chain. The very image is appalling, yet sadly, countless dogs live their entire lives in those very […]
Building Trust in the Great Wallowas
For this issue of Issue I was going to cover the militia take-over and stand off at the Malheur Wildlife Refuge. However after talking to some of the traumatized and frustrated locals there I decided I didn’t want to be part of the media feeding frenzy that was playing right into the occupiers’ hands. So, […]
Nine Ways to be a Better Friend to the Planet
We focus a lot on relationships — relationships with our lovers, our brothers, ourselves, our gods. This article is about another, often overlooked relationship — our relationship with our home. I don’t mean our house, where we store our things and hang our pictures. I mean our home in the big sense, as in Earth, this […]
Other Published Articles
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