
Wake Up!  You’re Too Smart and Valuable Not To

Wake Up! You’re Too Smart and Valuable Not To

I recently had an incredible “mountain top moment.” Have you ever had one? These are those precious, powerful moments when you transcend the normal human, day-to-day plane and really get a sense of the bigger, spiritual reality behind it all. These are the frickin’ blow-your mind, shake your foundation, open up a whole new reality […]

Getting Irritated with an Angel

Getting Irritated with an Angel

I just got irritated with an angel. This morning while doing my meditation and spiritual practices I had a message come through that I should drop the planning for a while, just do what’s right in front of me and trust the rest would work out. Well, I am a planner baby! I have a daily […]

Re-Learning to Live Beyond Shackles

Re-Learning to Live Beyond Shackles

Have you ever carried a really heavy burden for so long that when it was gone you had to sort of relearn how to be and act without the weight bearing down on you? I’m going through that right now. Having finally come to the end of an extremely painful and stressful 2½ year ordeal […]

Going Through or Growing Through Our Big Mistakes

Going Through or Growing Through Our Big Mistakes

As someone who has been through it myself I now work with and support people who get caught in the horror of having their lives and careers blow up in spectacular fashion. For some people this is more public than for others and the public piece is certainly an added trauma – this I know […]

How to Stop Being What Happened to You

How to Stop Being What Happened to You

I learned something about myself recently that shocked me. I realized I had tied my identity to the trauma I’d been through. In other words I was presenting as a victim. I would NEVER have believed that about myself and I didn’t like seeing it. I think it mostly stemmed from the “Elephant in the […]