3EStrategies empowers eco/social entrepreneurs, and social change advocates, in taking your important work to the next level so that you can do maximum good for people and the planet.
Take Your Vision Over the Top
We provide top notch innovative strategic planning and Facilitation with Soul services.
Cooperation is the New Black:
3EStrategies excels at helping businesses design and navigate strong collaborative processes whether for internal team-building, public-private partnerships, or complex cross-pollinating project development.
Building a strong, healthy, cooperative business ecosystem is not only good for business it’s much more fun than the old-school dog-eat-dog competition only approach.
Taking Care of Your Inner Environment
Finally, being an entrepreneur and/or social changemaker is demanding. 3EStrategies works to empower deeply committed change-makers to rise above stress and discouragement and build hope and resiliency so that they can be optimally effective in life and work.
If you’re interested in a free introductory conversation to discuss your consulting needs please call (541) 617-9013 or send a brief email to info@3estrategies.org.