Thanks for your interest in having me speak at your event. I love speaking and teaching and both are part of my calling. I am available for keynotes, spiritual services, retreats, classes and workshops, or whatever creative event you may be hatching.
My love of public speaking started early — I won my first speaking award when I was 9 for delivering a 4-H talk on “The Breeds of Horses“. Ha ha! I can still picture the little red cowgirl suit I was gussied up in (my mom had made it for me — thanks Mom!).
When delivering a talk I tend to be willing to take a risk, take on tough topics and speak truth to power. I pull in stories, personal openness, and whenever appropriate, humor.
My goal is always to inspire and leave people with practical action strategies.
Some of my favorite topics to speak about on Personal and Spiritual Development include:
Is there a Spiritual Side to Economics?
Miraculous Living.
The awesome power of forgiveness.
And, my favorite topics on Environmental and Economic Evolution topics include:
Creating an Ecological Civilization
Sacred Economics — Creating a saner economy that works for everyone.
Jedi Activism — how to become a fully effective (and happier) activist.
Videos of me in action can be viewed here.
Honorarium – I do not have a set speaking fee, since I speak for a variety of organizations, some of which are well funded and others which are not. When I consider an invitation and honorarium, I weigh whether it feels honorable and respectful of what I bring and what the host needs, in the context of the host’s situation.
Whether I’m receiving a professional speaker fee or speaking pro bono, I view speaking as a sacred gift and a sacred trust. It is a privilege for people to invest their time and money listening to a speaker and I take that very seriously. I always am fully committed to delivering my best suited to host organization’s needs.
To inquire, please contact my team by completing the form below.

Upcoming Speaking Events and Classes
When Life Blows Up. Spirit Cafe Podcast. Feb. 22nd
Spiritual Earthlings talk and EarthCare / Spiritual Economics workshop. Unity of Davis. April 16th
Spiritual Economics; Creating a World that Works Better for All Beings. Parliament of the World’s Religions. August 2023
Recent Speaking Events
What’s Love Got to Do with It?. Unity Spiritual Community Central Oregon. Feb. 2023
Taming our Inner Attack Artist. Unity Spiritual Community Central Oregon. Dec. 2022
The Meaning of Life Unity Spiritual Community Central Oregon, Nov. 13th 2022.
Spiritual Action — Transform Your Life and Our World, Unity Spiritual Community of Central Oregon, Oct. 2022
Economic System Change on Spirit Cafe podcast
Who’s Your Gatekeeper? You Can Fire Them You Know, Unity Spiritual Community Central Oregon. August 28th, 2022 (in-person and online).
Sacred Eco-nomics: Creating a World that Works for All Beings, Unity Worldwide People’s Convention. June 2022.
Here is an interview describing the workshop on Sacred Eco-nomics and the panel on Spiritual Activism that I will be delivering at the 30th annual Women of Wisdom conference.
Sacred Economics: Creating an Economy that Works for All Beings. Keynote delivered to the Unity Northwest Regional Conference, September 2021
Prosperity Consciousness: The Ultimate Guide, Sunday Service at Unity Community of Central Oregon
Spiritual Earthlings, Sunday Service at Unity Community of Central Oregon
Miraculous Living, Sunday Service at Unity Community of Central Oregon
Creating an Economy that Works for Everyone, keynote at Shift Festival 2020.
TED talk, Who Do You Think You Are, Really, at TEDxBend.
For a sampling of videos from some of Cylvia’s previous speeches see here.
Interested in having Cylvia Hayes speak at your event?
Please submit the inquiry form below and we’ll get back to you.
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